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芭芭拉·K. 埃斯蒂斯博士,FACOG

    芭芭拉·K 埃斯蒂斯博士,FACOG


  • 医院路110号.202室
  • 弗雷德里克王子,马里兰州20678
  • 410.414.4740
  • 410.414.4741

  • 是的

  • George Washington University Hospital

  • George Washington University Hospital

  • George Washington University

  • 妇产科
Dr. 芭芭拉·K. Estes went to medical school and did her 实习 at George Washington University and completed her 住院医生实习期 at George Washington University Medical Center, 1997年完工. She came directly to Calvert and opened Calvert OB/GYN Associates of Southern Maryland, eventually being joined by classmate Dr. 米歇尔•约翰逊.

They closed Calvert OB/GYN in November, 2016 and joined Calvert Physician Associates’ Calvert Women’s Center, 现在是网上买球软件妇产科医生. “I know how to run a practice, but I really wanted to focus on patient care. 网上买球软件妇产科医生, I can turn over the administrative piece and spend my time taking care of my patients. That’s why I went into medicine in the first place.”

Dr. Estes always knew she wanted to be a doctor, but didn’t decide on obstetrics and gynecology until medical school. “I knew I liked taking care of people, 尤其是女性, and I liked doing complex and challenging things. OB/GYN was a perfect combination of surgery, and medicine. And I get to deliver babies!”

Dr. Estes and her husband have enjoyed their time here in Calvert. “We chose Calvert because I wanted to go where they needed doctors. In Montgomery County and DC, there are doctors everywhere. In Calvert, there was a real need.

“It doesn’t hurt that it is surrounded by water and is a great place to raise a family. My son is in college now, but he is still friends with the kids he met in kindergarten. To live and practice medicine in Calvert, you have to be comfortable running into people you know, 包括你的病人. I really like people, so I’m ok with that.”

In addition to her busy patient schedule, Dr. Estes is the current Chair of the 产科 department at 网上买球软件 Medical Center. She completed her MBA from Johns Hopkins in 2010 and has become a key proponent for the Project Lead the Way Biomedical Sciences program, a collaboration between Calvert Memorial Hospital and Calvert Public 学校s. The program gives local high school students an opportunity to get hands-on experience working in healthcare, progressing through rotations in biology, 一般内科, surgery and obstetrics and gynecology and shadowing doctors and other medical professionals at the hospital. “Our goal is to connect students to real-world experiences and people, giving them a chance to find out about jobs that may be interesting to them.”

Dr. Estes sees both obstetric and gynecologic patients in her office in 弗雷德里克王子. “With my gynecologic patients, we focus on overall wellness and lifestyle – diet and sleep, 例如. And I love working with my OB patients. It’s such a happy time, whether it’s the first or the fourth time.”
